by Emily E. Gonzalez-Abreu, ESE and Support Services Family Counselor and Certified Active Parenting Leader If you know me, then you might have grown tired of my constant rave about these classes. Every opportunity I get I inform (verbally, emails, flyers) parents, administrators, teachers, staff, anyone who will...

Parents are a child’s first Sunday School teacher! They could use guidance, but they often get lost in the demands of youth programming. Here are 8 real reasons why your church needs parenting education opportunities: To support families The world has changed since the last generation...

by Michael Popkin, Ph.D. Founder and President, Active Parenting Publishers Move over, Steve Martin. There’s a new FOTB in town. After 30 years of watching our daughter, Megan, mature from the “cutest baby ever” to a confident, successful young woman, I had one of those rare, so-called...
