Welcome, Parents!

Raising children in today’s uncertain and dangerous world can be a daunting task. Children are susceptible to so many forces around them, and they can be lost in the chaos without strong, positive, parenting guidance. With its state-of-the-art parenting courses and programs, Active Parenting will teach you proven parenting techniques that will make positive changes. Created by acclaimed psychologist, Dr. Michael H. Popkin, Active Parenting uses sound Adlerian psychological principles in all of the programs, with an emphasis on mutual respect, cognitive-behavioral approaches to change, personal choice, and responsibility.

Active Parenting First Five Years

This course will show you how to nurture your child with a “just right” combination of freedom and nonviolent discipline.

Active Parenting 4th Ed.

The comprehensive parenting class “meets” online and covers a diverse selection of parenting topics.

Active Parenting of Teens

Active Parenting of Teens is an online program that will give you confidence and courage to meet the challenges (and savor the joys) of your children’s teen years.

Crossroads of Parenting & Divorce

Through this class, you will become aware of how your actions may inadvertently harm your children, learn how to establish a positive co-parenting relationship, and acquire the skills you need to stay child-focused.

Learn from acclaimed parenting expert Dr. Michael H. Popkin

Why Take An Active Parenting Class? Hear What These Parents Have to Say
